Sunday, January 10, 2010

Guild Meeting 2010/01

Hi Ladies,

Happy New Year and just a friendly reminder that our next business meeting is Monday January 11th at 6:30 PM.  We have the pleasure of welcoming Patty Wheeler who organizes the trips to Juarez Mexico.  As you remember, last year we helped to sponsor some of our youth for this worthy organization. 

We also have all the fair information complete and we are ready to report the results. Below this note are the November meeting minutes for your review

See you Monday!

Denise  & Beth

Minutes - 2009/11

Divine Mercy Women’s Guild
Business Meeting

November 9, 2009
6:37pm: Opening prayer lead by Vi Despres

  • Recording Secretary: Minutes from the October 5th business meeting were accepted as read.
  • Corresponding Secretary: Joan Buck read thank you cards sent to the Guild.
  • Treasurers Report: Cheryl Lastrina reported the past fiscal year (as of July 1st) expenses of $1223.00 included the cost of a projector, donation to the food bank and propane. The treasures report was accepted as written.
  • Helping Hands: Joyce Schmidt reported the Guild helped with 2 funerals in the past month. Also, a second team was set up to help support Joan and Joyce. Team 2 leaders are Edna Drasbo and Ruth Bohn.
  • Parish Outreach: There are many opportunities to give to those in need this holiday season. Linda Caracappa described how we could help with the Giving Tree program that provides gift certificates to children for Christmas.
  • Comfort Food: Jean Frechette said, “We’re willing!” No needs were requested in the past month.
  • Food for the Thanksgiving basket is due by the 22nd of this month.
Old Business:

  • Denise Long thanked all those involved with helping out on Priest Appreciation Sunday. It was a much appreciated event.
  • Jim from Plants alive will be once again showing us how to make wreaths, rope and kissing balls. Cost is $15 for the class to be held on November 10th at 6:30pm.
  • The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues and will be held at the Rectory on November 10th.
  • Blood Drive: Kathy Sullivan passed around a sign-up sheet for help at the annual Guild supported blood drive. It is set for Friday Dec 4th, 11:30am at the Congregational Church. There are 4 areas of need: Volunteers at the front table (trained by the Red Cross), Kitchen help to make tuna and egg salad sandwiches, serve soup (donated by 12 Pines), Donor escort who work directly with the donor and contained units of blood, and Baked Goods to include cheese and crackers, cookies and sweet treats.
    You can drop off your baked items early (by 11am) to Kathy at SMS or Gail at the Rectory.
  • Aprons: There are still 2 available at $10 each. Please see Sue Koziell if you are interested in owning an embroidered Women’s Guild apron.
  • Update on the Women’s Guild Blog. An instruction sheet was passed out on how to access the site. Maribeth Sullivan has set up the Blog for us. Please see her if you have any questions.
  • City Outreach: Denise and Beth applauded the generosity of the Guild in their support of this program. “They never received donations as large from one group as they did from our Women’s Guild”. Thank you to all who helped in any way to this worthy cause.
  • Holiday Stroll final details: Gail passed around a volunteer sign-up sheet. Bell Ringers are scheduled from 11am – 12pm. Piano Players will be Pat Cloutier, Dorothy Smith and Chris Falcone. Kathy Sullivan will pick up the balloons. Extra card tables are still needed. Please bring your bar cookies (those made by members for the platters) to the parish hall by 8:30am on Friday morning. Set up at Bass Hall will start at 10am on Friday morning and the Hall will be open by 7:30am on Saturday. There will be a mini fair set up after Mass on Saturday and Sunday.
New Business:

  • Tuesday December 8th will be our Christmas pot-luck dinner shared with members of the Knights of Columbus. Dinner will start after 5:30pm Mass. A sign-up sheet was passed around. Call Beth at 588-2076 for any questions or if you need a ride.
Closing prayer: led by Vi Despres

7:58pm: Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Janice McKenzie
Recording Secretary

Next Meeting is January 11, 2010 at 6:30pm