Friday, April 14, 2017

Minutes 2017/4

Divine Mercy Women's Guild  
April 10, 2017

Elaine Giacomo began the meeting with an opening prayer, an Act of Love to the Blessed Sacrament.

Business Meeting

Secretary’s Report: Gracie Hartman Minutes from the March meeting were approved and accepted. 

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Kathi Wasserloos received several Thank You notes she shared with Guild Members which involved, Get Well cards, Sympathy Cards, Mass Card, and a Birthday Card to Fr. Mike.

***Yvonne Murray spoke to the ladies informing us of her upcoming surgery involving an aortic aneurysm; she thanked everyone for their continued prayers and support.

Treasurer’s Report
Beth McGurty illustrated to everyone present the current state of the Guild’s account regarding spending and allocations. The current checkbook balance is $8063.81. This balance reflects the following expenses, which were approved at the March meeting. 
New Refrigerator ($1015)
4 Sets of Altar Scarves/4 Sets of Banners ($2000)
Jamaica Mission ($1000)
End 68 Hours ($500)
Steubenville Youth Conference Lowell MA ($500) 
Beth explained that the Guild has enough money in the budget to accommodate additional projects and will still have money for Fair expenses, which is approximately $3700. She disclosed Guild expense allocations for the current fiscal year, which ends in June. There was discussion with Guild members concerning new monetary allocations and the following proposals were made and approved.
Children’s Choir ($900) Bell Refurbish & New White Gloves
Symbolon Subscription ($1680)**
Youth Fest ($250) Youth Minister Jana’s Discretion
**Fr. Mike explained that a year’s subscription could be purchased and accessed by the Parish Community, which would allow those who could not attend the Symbolon presentations to access them online.

Announcements: Fr. Mike’s 20th Anniversary is in June and a $200 gift was motioned and approved. Guild members will be needed to help with the party.


MYSTERY RIDE: MAY 1ST $28.00 Be at the Church Parking Lot by 5:30 
Claire Juengst & Janet Riley. Deacon Dennis and Pauline will be invited.

May 4th Confirmation Reception (20)
Cheryl Riley, Gracie Hartman, Janice McKenzie, Jean Frechette

May 7th First Communion Reception (after 10:30 Mass 15 Communicants) Denise Long, Lauren Martin, Karen Ayers


American Heritage Girl Troop:  Ann Veverka announced the formation of this special troop within our parish guiding girls to serve their community and grow in their faith and become women of integrity while being active in the world around them. Ann asked for the Guild’s support with scholarship help for those girls who may not be able to participate. There is also a need for mentors; you do not have to have a girl in the troop to participate.  Contact Ann for more info; 518-586-1471

Ethel Cavanaugh Award: Ballots were distributed and collected; ballots will given to those Guild members not in attendance and they can vote the night of the Mystery Ride.

May 27th Plant Sale Jean Freshette, Cheryl Lastrina: For more info:
Call Jean 924-4146

June 12th Guild Banquet; Lauren announced the same caterer, as last year would provide the dinner buffet, cost is $25

Nominating Committee: 2017/2018 Guild Officers were presented:
President: Lauren Martin
Vice-President: Cheryl Riley
Recording Secretary: Elaine Giacomo
Corresponding Secretary: Kathi Wasserloos
Treasurer: Beth McGurty
A motion was made and approved to accept the above Slate of Officers.


Lauren Martin distributed copies of “The Stations Of The Cross with Mary- then and now” This extremely emotional narrative is told by Mary and is an intense perspective describing her agony and pain as she witnesses Jesus’ encounter with each station. This narrative is unbelievably beautiful and eloquent, a truly unique Easter gift.  Lauren also gave us all a coloring project to take along. Thank you Lauren.

Closing Prayer: Elaine read Anima Christi by St Ignatius Loyola 

Forty Members Attended

50/50 Collection: $114 (Food Pantry/68 Hours) 

Refreshments: Kathi Wasserloos & Barbara Goodwin provided evening treats. THANK YOU LADIES

Respectfully submitted by,
Gracie Hartman, Secretary

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Minutes 2017/3

Divine Mercy Women's Guild 
March 13, 2017

Elaine Giacomo began the meeting with an opening prayer.

Business Meeting

Sue Koziell welcomed guests Shani Valdez and LeAnn Rousseau

Secretary’s Report: Gracie Hartman Sue reminded members that the minutes from the January Meeting were posted on the blog for all to read. She proceeded to ask that they be Approved and Accepted.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Kathi Wasserloos received several Thank You Notes, which she shared with Guild Members (from the Food Pantry for Donations, from recipients of Christmas Poinsettias and a personalized one from a Giving Tree Family, expressing how blessed and grateful they were for the gifts they received.)

Treasurer’s Report
Beth McGurty distributed copies of the Guild’s Profit & Loss Report from July 2016- June 2017.  The extremely detailed Report, lists yearly Income and Expenses for all of the Guild’s activities and projects. The checking account balance is currently $11,694.28. There was no expense activity in February and March; no kitchen supplies have been purchased. Beth also announced that all costs for and money received from Funeral Receptions would now go directly through the Church Office. The Guild is currently under budget; Beth and Sue explained that the Guild has discretionary funds that can be disbursed and forms were given to everyone in attendance with suggested choices for Members to vote for and/or write in their preferences for fund distributions. Some suggestions listed were:
Kitchen items: an energy efficient Refrigerator ($1200), New Microwave ($150) Microwave Shelf ($50) Drawer ($100) =$1500.
4 Sets of Altar Scarves/4 Sets of Banners ($2000) Father Mike wants to attract attention to the alter.
Jamaica Mission ($1000) same as last year’s donation
End 68 Hours ($500)
Youth Fest ($500)
Beth explained that the Guild can financially provide for all suggestions and will proceed to explore the expenses of the individual ideas presented and disburse funds accordingly.


Yogurt Containers (quart size) are needed for Heirloom Tomato Plants donated by Kathy Kachavos for our annual plant sale. 

There is a request for help driving a 97-year-old woman to Mass (5:00 or 10:30)
She lives on Sand Hill Rd.  Call Jean Frechette 924-4146

Basket Bingo April 8th Peterborough Women’s Club (Shattuck Country Club) Supporting 68 Hours


Sue noted a Thank You, in the Hancock Town Report, to Divine Mercy Women’s Guild for the Thanksgiving & Easter Baskets


Thank you, from Hancock Organizers, to Helen Limina and all who helped with the Hancock Community Supper  (February 23rd) listed in Hancock Happenings.

MYSTERY RIDE: MAY 1ST $28.00 Church Parking Lot 5:30
Claire Juengst 628-4839 & Janet Reilley 924-0024


A Nominating Committee (Denise Long, Elaine Giacomo,Cheryl Lastrina) was formed to choose 2017 Guild Officers

 May 4th Confirmation Reception (20 Candidates)
Cheryl Riley, Gracie Hartman, Claudia Levesque

May 7th First Communion Reception (after 10:30 Mass 15 Communicants)
Barbara Goodwin, Janet Riley

Program: My Favorite Saint

Lauren Martin presented a program focusing on Saints and asked members to share their favorite Saint and explain why that particular Saint was special to them and how he/she might have been influential in their life. Lauren began sharing her love for Mother Theresa. Several Ladies spoke of their favorite Saint, sharing information and their interest in that particular Saint and the possible affect he/she had on her life. Lauren closed the program by distributing to all the ladies, a beautiful Prayer Card of Mary Undoer of Knots. She explained that Pope Francis was devoted to this vision of the Virgin Mary. Lauren told us of the history and devotion and the meaning behind the name, Virgin Mary, Untier of Knots, explaining why many pray to her….to confront problems and struggles we face for which we do not see any solution, knots of discord in our family, lack of understanding between parents and children, disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts between many….together we all recited the beautiful Untie the Knots prayer as our Closing Prayer.

Twenty-Eight Members Attended

50/50 Collection: $165 (Food Pantry/68 Hours)

Refreshments: Bianca Lacroix, Rachel Klessig, Rhea Taylor, provided festive St Patrick’s Day treats. THANK YOU LADIES.

Respectfully submitted by,
Gracie Hartman, Secretary

Monday, January 16, 2017

Minutes 2017/1

Divine Mercy Women's Guild 
January 9, 2017 

Opening Prayer: Father Mike led the opening prayer, he reminded us how important and special our ministry is as Guild Members within Divine Mercy Parish.

Father Mike Thanked the Guild Members for his Christmas Gift and continued to explain the 10-week Symbolon that he is conducting with the Catholic Community beginning January 10th at 6:30pm, and repeated on Wednesday January 11th at 9:30am.  The program explains the Catholic Faith featuring 20 video and discussion sessions bringing together some of the most trusted Catholic teachers for guidance in the breadth and richness of the Catholic faith. The sessions will last approximately 1½ hrs; the presenters will be Father Mike, Deacon Dennis and Joy Davis.

Sue mentioned that there was a request from Father Mike for light refreshments during the Symbolon.  She asked the Guild Members for their opinions and feedback and who might be available to help. Cheryl Riley and Kathi Wasserloos volunteered to assist with the first two Tuesday evening meetings but Guild Members thought that ultimately others, possibly those attending the meetings, should be responsible for refreshments.

Secretary’s Report: The November Report was accepted. Sue reminded members again that the minutes are posted on our blog and not read at the meeting, to save time.  Guild Members previously approved this procedure at the October meeting.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Kathi Wasserloos mailed Christmas Cards to Father Mike and Deacon Dennis and received Thank You cards for Guild Christmas gifts from both Father Mike and Deacon Dennis.

Treasurer’s Report: Beth McGurty distributed copies of a detailed report, which had the Treasurer Report on one side of the paper and the financial results from the Holiday Stroll on the other.

The Treasurer’s Report: Checkbook balance of $12,053.60  November Deposits/Int: $8,657.63
Checks written indicated Amounts, Payee, and Descriptions listed for November and December 2016.

The Holiday Stroll Report described earnings and expenses for all the Fair Committees and compared receipts for the individual Committees over the last seven years of the Guild’s participation. 2016 was our most successful years with a total of $8267.75

Beth reminded Guild Members that Sue, Deacon Dennis, and Father Mike can only sign checks and that two signatures are required for check amounts over $200. She mentioned a future need to replace the refrigerator in the kitchen and that we might use some of our account balance to pay for it and welcomed any suggestions from Guild Members regarding cost or access to a possible merchant discount.

Old Business:

Holiday Stroll Post Mortem: Kathy Sullivan explained to the Guild Members that she had met with several of the Committee Chairs to discuss the Holiday Stroll, asking for suggestions, reviewing what we did right, and noting what we might do differently next year.

Suggestions and or Questions:
A “greeter” at the door of the Fair, welcoming visitors
Possibly limiting publicity expense for next year
Moving the raffle ticket table from the entrance of the Parish Hall closer to the raffle baskets and using a different method of selling raffle tickets.
Adding some kind of breakfast item for the Café, maybe muffins
Designated Craft Tables: knitted items, ornaments, maybe a pet table
Possibly an ornament of the year (2017)
Reevaluating our craft pricing, having some higher priced items, but keeping most items moderately priced
Definitely keeping the Mini Fair after Mass (especially the Sunday Masses) was very successful
Baked Goods: pies and cookie trays were both successful
More Signage is needed, possibly hanging from the ceiling to identify different areas (Bake Table, Café Cashier)
Do we want the Bell Ringers Next Year? (problems with placement and acoustic issues)
Divine Mercy Children’s Choir in lieu of Bell Ringers?
More space for tables to sit and fill out raffle tickets
More Café space?
Children Space to buy and wrap presents?
Pictures with Santa?
Floor plan map needs to be provided to Custodian for table set up ahead of time
Reserve Hall space for Thursday and Friday for set up and decorating

Lauren commented how much the other churches appreciated the cookie trays they were given.  She also mentioned that our Fair had the nicest merchandise and presentation.

New Business

Hancock Community Supper February 23rd: Helen Limina needs help and baked items for the supper, which is held in Hancock, at the First Congregational Church on Main St. A sign up sheet was distributed; 6 people are needed to prepare and set-up for the dinner and for cleanup afterwards. There is also a need for (8)breads and (8)apple crisps.  For more info call Helen 924-5088

Mystery Ride: Claire Juengst & Janet Reilly: End of April, after Lent.
No date yet

Refreshments: Provided by Linda Caracappa, Cheryl Lastrina, & Janice McKenzie, yummy and delicious: Thank You Ladies.

Program: Mission in Jamaica: Adela de Vera spoke to the Guild about her trip to Jamaica last summer. She described a typical day for her as a pediatrician working within the Jamaican Diocese of Mandeville. She detailed the high rate of poverty prevalent in that region and the need for medical and dental care. Adela has been traveling to this region for the last 5 years and this past August she was accompanied by Guild Members, Linda Caracappa, Beth McGurty, and Jean Frechette. Last year the DMWG contributed $1000 toward this Jamaican Program which provides free health exams, that are required for school children. The children are also given school bags filled with school supplies. Adela’s dedication and love for this project and her enthusiasm seemed to transcend among all of us in attendance. She shared photos as we listened intently, knowing that in a small way, we were able to contribute to this worthwhile project.

Closing Prayer: Sue led the closing prayer.


Lauren announced that in March we will have a short business meeting followed by a discussion about Saints. We can share a story about a Saint we love.

68 Hours/Food Pantry Collection $149

Meeting Attendance: Twenty-Six Members
Meeting ended at 8:35

Respectfully submitted by,

Gracie Hartman, Secretary