Monday, January 21, 2013

Minutes 2013/01


BUSINESS MEETING JANUARY 14, 2013 (18 in attendance)

 Opening Prayer – The meeting started at 6:40 with an opening prayer by Yvonne M

Recording Secretary – The meeting minutes from the Christmas potluck will be posted on the BLOG along with the January meeting minutes.

Corresponding Secretary-Various thank you notes were read from: Scott Farrar for poinsettias, Fr Gerry and Patti Wheeler, a relative of a patient at Harborside who received a poinsettia.

Treasurer’s Report-Karen B reported that the checkbook balance at the end of December minus Holiday Stroll expenses was $6177.55.  Our CD earmarked for the new church that is due to mature in June of 2012 with a starting balance of $6000.00 is now worth $6127.42.  Karen distributed an excel spreadsheet regarding the financial information of the last seven years of the Holiday Stroll for the ladies review.  Jan expenses included a Mass for Helen Brazil and one for David Riley (4/27 @ 5PM).  The WG place an add in the church Calendar and the amount of $100 which will bring us up to date.

Helping Hands-Joyce S reported that there have been no funerals for the past two months.

Outreach/Food for Friends-The Christmas for Kids program helped 51 families (118 children).  The Giving Tree provided gifts to 33 families (79 adults and children) with gifts for Christmas.

Linda reported that that Joanne F will be stepping back as coordinator and that they are looking for a new coordinator.  The program works where on the first weekend of the month, the people of DMP take home red bags and return them the following week with non perishables.  Envelopes are always available for cash donations.  The guild passed around an envelope earmarked for the MAFP and collected $101.  Beth M reported that in 2012, DMP donated 2060 pounds of food to the MAFP.  MAFP, located on Concord St. processed 3357 requests in 2012 that involved 10376 people of which 3849 were children in Peterborough and 18 surrounding towns.  Beth pointed out that DMP is the second biggest donor.

Fair Recap- Karen B will continue as chair for 2013.  Winners of the raffle were given by Cheryl and the list of winners will be sent out to Guild members.  Craft meetings will resume on 1/21 at 6:30.  Beth will send reminder.  Karen will send an invitation to ladies of the parish to Gail for publication in the bulletin.

Thanksgiving Baskets- Jean F, Linda O and Brenda W were thanked.  51 baskets sent out to familes and 24 fruit bags to Greenfield Commons.

Blood Drive-Everyone was thanked for there part in making this a success.

Mass/Christmas Party-approx. 40 attended.  There were $55.00 in expenses.  Cathy and Jean thanked those involved. 

Ecumenical Service-Jean reported that 125 attended, a good number considering the weather.  No baking was required as we had plenty of baked goods.  This service of receiving the Peace Light was considered a success and we will be doing this again next year.

Poinsettia’s – 51 poinsettia’s were distributed to Harborside,(one per room), 35 to Catholics at Summerhill & Scott Farrar and members of DMP that are visited by Eucharistic ministers. 

Parish Lenten Mission – Our 2/11 meeting coincide (second night) of the parish Lenten mission.  The plan is to attend the the 7PM mission instead of having a business meeting.  We will try to sit together and more information will be sent out to the Guild.

Mystery Dinner-We will not be having the Mystery Dinner on 3/11.  We will have a business meeting instead.  Raymond Richard will be hostess and Yvonne offered to help also.

Community Dinner-Helen would like to have the Community Dinner in March and will get more details to us.

Nominating Committee-Joyce S and Kathy S need one more lady to help.  Janice M offered to help.

City Reach-Denise L reported that the date has been moved to possibly 3/15&16 this year.  Men’s underwear, socks and toiletries are always needed. Watch the bulletin for announcements.

May Banquet-Beth & Joyce report that LaBelle Winery in Amherst provided the Guild with an excellent value to celebrate our 75th anniversary.  There will be three main course offerings, an excellent sound system, a beautiful room with a patio for us to enjoy prior to the meal and total accessibility to all of our members.  The cost will be figured out by the next meeting, but the range is $20 – 30 with a $5 up charge for beef.  The date will be Monday May 13th (NOTE DATE CHANGE) and we will carpool.

Speaker Series-Beth announced that Peter Gosselin from MCH will be speaking and there will be refreshments after.  She asked that if any of the ladies were planning to attend, that if they could bring a baked good.

House of Prayer-Bev invited the ladies to check out the House of Prayer in New Ipswich.  She informd us that Mass is at 8AM Mon-Fri and 9AM on Sat.  She invited anyone who had questions to call her at 878-4006.

Voluntereer-Cathy announced that Marie A was named NH Healthcare Volunteer for 2012 at Harborside

Craft Event-Connie reported that there is a flea mkt/craft fair at the armory in Peterborough on 2/10 from 12-4 (setup 11-break down 5).  The cost is 15.00 a table.  Connie thought it might be a good way for the Guild to sell crafts.

 Thank you to Hostesses Marie and Vi for the delicious presentation!

The next business meeting is March 11, 2013

Yvonne closed the meeting at 7:59PM with a prayer.

 Respectfully Submitted,

Beth McGurty, Recording Secretary

Minutes 2012/12


Divine Mercy Parish Women’s Guild

12/10/12 Christmas Pot Luck

The evening started with a Mass, followed by a potluck supper attended by 40.  Co Presidents Cathy and Jean introduced themselves.  Fr Gerry blessed the food and we all enjoyed a delicious meal.
Announcements: There is an ecumenical Service on 12/16 at 6PM.  Light refreshments are needed and a signup sheet was passed around

As our Feb meeting coincides with the Parish Mission, we will attend the mission instead of having a business meeting.  It would be nice to sit together.

Door prizes were distributed during dessert and Yvonne provided the closing prayer.

Thank you to Cathy B and Jean F for making this a great evening!
Next business meeting 1/14/2013

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth McGurty, Recording Secretary