Monday, September 21, 2015

Minutes 2015/09

Divine Mercy Women’s Guild September  14, 2015

New Registration Cards were given to all members and dues were collected.  Members were given the 2015-2016 Calendar and the September 14th evening agenda.

 The meeting was called to order by President Sue Koziell at approximately 6:45, 31 members were present.

Prayer Advisor Elaine Giacomo’s prayer asked that the Guild members reflect on our last meeting in St Peter’s Parish Hall and that we should be excited about our new meeting space in Divine Mercy Church Hall.

Sue Koziell began the meeting by welcoming members Diane Castonguay and Claire Juengst and then proceeded to introduce the Executive Board Members.

Vice President – Lauren Martin
Recording Secretary – Grace Hartman
Corresponding Secretary – Yvonne Murray
Treasurer – Beth McGurty
Guild Advisor- Michelle Urban
Prayer Advisor- Elaine Giacomo
Director- Mary Ann Beard
Director- Ginny Chevalier

Sue announced to Guild members that the new parish hall will be locked promptly at 9pm; all meetings there must end by that time and she displayed a gavel which she will use, if necessary, to keep matters in order. She also addressed the new seating arrangement; using a podium in front of seated members, as a center focus for speakers; it was agreed that this new arrangement was preferred. She stated that the new church hall would only have round tables to use for future events.

Events and Calendar changes discussed at Executive Board Meeting:

September 26   Opening of Divine Mercy Church

October 4 Divine Mercy Church Public Open House

October 5 Potluck (moved from September)
(Mass @6:00 Divine Mercy Church)

October 25th Monsignor’s Anniversary Open House 2:00 – 4:00pm

Have only one meeting in the winter either in January or February depending on weather (snow date)

Move the Mystery Ride into April, so it would not interfere with Lent, maybe have a Special Lenten Program - Lauren Martin

The Annual Banquet would now be in June.

Treasurer’s Report
Beth McGurty reported that the current bank balance is $6377.27

The $10,000 to be used for the kitchen was distributed as follows: Refrigerator $1050 (discount of $600), Ten Burner Stove with Double Oven, Dishwasher with Sanitizer, 8’ Stainless Prep Table, Three Part Sink… Total for everything: $10,164.

Beth spoke about the new church and explained that there are two niches’ where two statues will be placed. In the right niche will be the statue of St Joseph beautifully refurbished by Sue Koziell and in the left niche will be a new statue of Mary (Our Lady of Grace) Beth passed a photo of the statue and explained that she ordered the new larger statue, because it would be more comparable in size to the statue of Joseph.  The older, smaller statue of Mary from St. Peter’s Church will be placed outside in the narthex of Divine Mercy. All the ladies agreed that it is a beautiful addition to our new church.

The cost of the new statue is $2475 (minus $200 from the sale of the old kitchen stove) for a total of $2275. The board approved the purchase and Beth asked for the Guild’s approval. Motion to approve was given by Rhea Taylor, seconded by Linda Caracappa.

Continued Business

The Hostess Committee Chair position needs to be filled. This person coordinates two or three ladies for each monthly meeting to provide refreshments. Janice McKenzie, past chair, explained the duties are simple, once you know the ladies who are helping, you might make a reminder phone call before the meeting. This year the Guild will be responsible to help with the Divine Mercy Church Opening, the Public Open House and Monsignor’s Anniversary.

Divine Mercy Opening
Denise Long sent a sign-up list for the Divine Mercy Opening on September 26.  She explained that some of the other Divine Mercy Groups would be helping with refreshments. Drop off will be on Friday 8:30 – Noon in the parish hall and on Saturday at 11:30.  Help to prepare food is needed from noon – 2 pm. There is also a need for help to serve and clean up.

Holiday Stroll
Chairs for Christmas Fair
Coordinator Kathy Sullivan
Craft Table
Bake Table Janice McKenzie
Raffle Table Linda Caracappa & Cheryl Lastrina
Café Beth McGurty & Denise Long

Karen Bannister will coordinate the Hall facility.
Linda Caracappa announced the need for canned items for one of the raffle baskets. 
Rhea Taylor will make 3 pinecone wreaths
Janice McKenzie addressed the need for a craft table coordinator to schedule people to set-up and clean up and times when help is needed at the table.

Secret Angels
Kathy Sullivan discussed keeping the Secret Angels program active. She explained that it was a nice way of remembering each other, bringing people together, maybe with a small token gift, or a card on a birthday or holiday.  She will bring sign up sheets at the next meeting.

Helping Hands
Joyce Schmidt will update the list at the next meeting.

Katie Kachavos spoke to the Women’s Guild regarding the removal and re-planting of some of the current plants and shrubs at St Peters including two Japanese Maple trees. She is concerned that when the church is demolished, plants will be lost and she would like to create a memorial garden using plants from St Peter’s, temporarily planting them somewhere in the cemetery next to the church with the possibility of a future move to Divine Mercy. Roots would need to be protected when moving the trees and she would need help from someone who is familiar with transplanting but she was convinced it should and could be accomplished successfully.

Food Bank Envelope $124

Elaine closed the meeting with a prayer and then asked for ladies to share memories they had of the Women’s Guild over the years since this would be our last gathering in St Peter’s Hall. Several ladies shared happy experiences with other members involving, potluck dinners, secret angels, mystery rides and more, which resulted in lasting friendships and an enjoyable exchange for all.

Respectfully submitted by

Gracie Hartman, Secretary