Sunday, March 9, 2014

Minutes 2014/02

Divine Mercy Women’s Guild
Business Meeting
February 10, 2014

 6:36pm Thank you to our hosts Rebecca, Connie and Grace. Members were asked to get some treats and enjoy them during the meeting.

6:47pm Opening prayer by Elaine G.

Recording Secretary: It was moved and seconded to accept the January minutes as written and posted on the blog.

Corresponding Secretary:  No recent correspondence was received or sent. Yvonne M thanked the members for all their support in the recent death of her brother.

Treasures report: Karen B reported a preliminary amount of $5056.96 from the Holiday Stroll. Please submit any receipts to Karen. Our current bank balance is $9797.54

The membership email/phone #/address list was passed around for review. Members were asked to make corrections or additions.

Helping Hands: No funeral support requested.

Mystery Ride: March 10, 2014  - Rebecca reminded Guild members the $25 cost for dinner was due today.  The sign up list was passed around to members to check if they paid. Rebecca and Connie will call and remind the members who were not at the meeting that their money is needed to pay the restaurant. All members who are driving to the Mystery Ride should to be at the Church by 5pm. We will car pool and getting into cars by 5:15pm. Please be prompt.

Old Business:
Discussion took place regarding the Women’s Guild participating in the TD Bank “Fund Raising” program. TD bank will donate a % of a participant’s year-end balance to a designated fund. Fr. Gerry is aware the Knight’s of Columbus are interested in this fund raising program. The K of C has a tax ID number. Our DM Women’s Guild does not have its own ID.  It was moved and seconded not to pursue the TD bank program as long as the K of C is involved and willing to pursue this project.

Building fund: We currently have $6,181.92 in a mature CD. Last year we set aside $3,000 for the building fund and at our last meeting dedicated the funds go toward a stove for the new church kitchen. It was moved and seconded to set aside an additional $1000 (from the Holiday Stroll profit) to increase our donation to $10,000.

Community supper: Will be held on Thursday, April 24th in Hancock. Helen L. and Sue K will co-chair this project. Volunteers were asked to help.

Empty Bowl Project: Will be held on March 26th, 6pm at Merrimack HS. There was discussion about the craft group glazing some of the soup bowls.  Karen A will look into it.

New Business:
It was discussed and decided to continue collecting the $5 dues at the September meeting. Annual dues can be placed in the Sunday collection basket. Please be sure the outside envelope is labeled Women’s Guild Dues.  Name and money inside.

Committee Chair:

The following members volunteered to chair the upcoming events:

Denise L – First Communion, May 4, 2014

Karen A and Yvonne M – Confirmation, May 8, 2014

Vice President Michele U – May Banquet, Date to be determined May 12th?

Chairs for the Plant Sale and Commencement event will be discussed at our April meeting.

Free will collection: $100 was collected for the food pantry.

Guild member Farmer Kim G supplied fresh eggs for sale.  Please call her if you are interested in purchasing eggs from Oxbow Farms.

 Linda C invited all members to the Peterborough Women’s Club March presentation of “Women in History”. They are scheduled for March 5th, 12th and 19th. This is a free event held in Bass Hall.

 Closing prayer: Elaine G. Prayers for all involved or related to the NHBB explosion.
8:13pm Meeting adjourned

 Respectfully submitted,
Janice McKenzie
Recording Secretary
Our next Business Meeting will be held on April 14, 2014 at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall.