Monday, February 6, 2012

Minutes 2012/1

Divine Mercy Parish Women's Guild

Monday, January 9, 2012
6:30 PM

1. Opening Prayer led by Yvonne Murray

2. Recording Secretary -Jean Frechette for Kim Graham. No questions regarding previous minutes. Minutes approved.

3. Corresponding Secretary -Karen Ayers for Simone Legace. There was a thank you note from Fr. Gerry for his Christmas gift and for our prayers and support. There was a thank you note from a poinsettia recipient.

4. Treasurer's Report -Karen Bannister. A financial report with hand out was given for November and December 2011. The report detailed income from dues, the Fair, and a donation for Helping
Hands. Expenses paid included the Fair, the December Blood Drive and Helping Hands.
11/2011 Income: $810.26 Expenses: $806.78
12/2011 Income: $4,330.19 Expenses: $277.99
Motion to accept Financial Report by Barbara Garland, 2nd by Connie Lebel. Motion passed.

5. Helping Hands Report- Joyce Schmidt. One funeral in November for Robin Kellner,
one funeral on January 7 for Daniel Geoffrey.

6. Parish Outreach Report: See New Business for Food Bank info.

7. Old Business-
a. Christmas Fair: Helen Limina reported that she is sill gathering feedback from Fair committees about what worked and what needs to be addressed for next year's Fair. She shared that many people have told her that our's is the “best”. Noted a problem about the door for the Bell Ringers to get in to set-up was not unlocked until just before their performance.
She is making notes for future Fair chairs to use.
Karen Bannister informed us about a holiday fair in Milton, MA on a weekend following the Holiday Stroll that only charges $20 per table where we possibly could have a table to sell left over items. It will be considered for this coming fall.

Karen Bannister gave a financial report for the Fair, noting that income was down from the 2010 fair. Discussion about possible reason was the difficult economy this year.

To date: Gross Income: $4,574.75 Expenses: $780.70 Profit: $3,794.50

2010 Profit: $4,341.17

b.Members asked for a report on the Blood Drive. It was noted that Kathy Sullivan and Gail Caron reported on that at the Christmas Party in December. It was recalled that over 80 pints were collected, which exceeded the Red Cross' goal for that drive. Several members noted that some potential donors left due to the long wait to donate. Guild members were upset with the Red Cross' management of appointments.

c. Community Supper: Bennington. Scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 5:30-6:30PM at the Pierce School. Set up at 4:30. Clean-up after dinner until about 6:45-7:45. Food preparation on Wednesday at Helen's. Cooking Turkey Devine. Asked for a volunteer to prepare a vegetarian entree. All sundry supplies supplied, we do not need to supply paper products. Connie Lebel will make some centerpieces. Contact Helen if you would like to help.

Helen L. also shared that there is a group trying to organize suppers in Hancock again. They are asking if the Guild would like to provide a supper there in some other month. The question was tabled until the February meeting.

d. City Reach: Helen reminded the members that she is collecting men's clothes for the trip to Boston at the end of the month. Boots, coats, hats, gloves, and other clothing may be brought to the church no later than January 21st, or you can call her to pick up items.

8. New Business:
a. Food Bank-Questions about how the Parish is helping the Monadnock Area Food Bank were asked. Jean Frechette recalled the insert with information about the food bank had been in a recent bulletin, and that there are envelopes for monetary donations provided near the exit. The insert detailed how the Food Bank can obtain more food when they are given money as many stores give them large discounts. Joyce Schmidt related that the parish committee for this purpose is making plans to involve CCD classes in further food collection efforts, and that this is an ongoing Parish project.

Members discussion included: the idea to bring a particular type of food item to each meeting : the thought that a variety of items may be better for the Food Bank; that the items needed most are protein sources, i.e. meats.

It was agreed that we continue to bring items to donate at every meeting and to pass an envelope around at the meetings for a free will offering of cash. $66 were collected on the spot and turned over to the treasurer who will send a check in the same amount to the Food Bank in the name of the Guild.

b. Blessed Virgin Statue- Discussion whether to donate money to the Knights of Columbus to defray the cost of crating and moving the statue so that it is able to be used in the future.

Jean Frechette explained that the Knights asked if we would like to help, and related why the project cost over $800. General discussion was in favor of helping with a donation. Gail Laviolette made a motion that the Guild donate $300. Marie Adler seconded the motion.

Barbara Garland motioned to amend the motion to a donation of half the cost, which was seconded by Karen Bannister. The amendment was passed, and the motion to donate half the
cost passed unanimously. Jean Frechette is to get the correct amount from the Knights, and relay that to the treasurer so that a check can be sent to the Knights.

c. Crucifix- Jean Frechette related that Fr. Gerry would like to purchase a new processional
crucifix because the one we have is very heavy and cannot safely be carried by many of the
altar servers. He is putting this request out to parish service groups. The subject is tabled until
after all the Fair financials have been closed out.

9. Misc.:

a. Prayer Chain- Beth McGurty reported that the prayer chain was updated today via
e-mail, and she distributed paper copies to any who wanted one.
b. Parish Visitors- Jane Meneghini introduced a new ministry group being chaired by herself and Brenda Wesoly. The mission is to create a group of parishoners who would visit sick and homebound parishoners, and nursing home and assisted living residents. Sr. Kathleen of NH
Catholic Charities will come to provide initial training. Jane is asking that this ministry be under the umbrella of the Women's Guild. Discussion was very positive. Having Sr. Kathleen as guest speaker in the future was suggested.
c. Guest speaker for February-Karen Ayers introduced the idea of inviting Chris Falcone to speak about spiritual enrichment before Lent. Favorable response, Karen will follow up.
d. Respect Life Ministry- Gail Laviolette. As the date of the Roe v.Wade decision approaches,
Gail requested that we each think about what we can do to help promote respect of life.
Together, we prayed a Hail Mary for the unborn.
e. Thanks to our hostesses for the refreshments: Beth McGurty, Denise Long, Marie Adler, Cheryl Lastrina.

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