Friday, October 31, 2014

Minutes 2014/10

Divine Mercy Women’s Guild - October 13, 2014


Michelle Urban called the meeting to order at 6:45 and began with a prayer by Elaine Giacomo. 19 members of the Guild were present.  Michelle introduced Mike Barrett from the Knights of Columbus who gave us an overview of their mission which centers on raising money for charity. He expressed the hope that the Knights and Guild could have a working relationship in church related endeavors.


Jean Frechette moved that the Secretary’s report be accepted as written and posted on the Blog.  Joyce Schmidt seconded, and the motion passed.  Corresponding Secretary Yvonne Murray read thank you cards she received for the First Communion Reception, the Graduation Breakfast, Msgr Gerry’s Birthday gift, Deacon Dennis’ Ordination gift, and prayers for Edna Drasba’s son. There was no Treasurer’s report as Karen Bannister was absent.  A member asked why she was absent again and discussion ensued as to whether we need a new treasurer if it is getting to be too much for her.  Michelle will inquire.

Old Business:

1.  Holiday Stroll – All chairmen reported that everything is on track and Michelle reported that Karen as overall chairman has gone to the general meeting.

               Crafts:  In good shape overall and we will finish up the recipe books at our next session.

               Cafe:  Beth reported they are all set with no big changes.  When asked about chowder, it will be sold by                                          the pint as take out only. Connie Lebel volunteered to make a third soup, especially if it cold.

               Bake Table:  Janice McKensie will have sign-up sheets at the November Meeting asking for cookies for                                        the cookie trays made each year.  Usually we have 20-25 which sell very well. Six small ones go                                         to the other churches.

               Raffle Baskets:  Cheryl Lastrina reported she and Linda Caracappa are working on the baskets.  The Gift                                              Card Tree and Homemade Food Basket are popular items.  An apron was donated by Simone                                Legace for the latter.

               Set-up:  Karen  Bannister will coordinate times.  They are usually 10:00 on Friday, and 8:00 on Saturday.                                           There will be more discussion at the November meeting.  We need 10 sturdy card tables.  Elaine               

                              asked if there was a list of do’s and don’ts that could be made available to the set up people. A                                           schematic with   outlets would be helpful.  Yvonne asked where the shelving, etc. is kept and                                              Beth will bring those from the parish garage on Friday.

               Music:  Denise Long will contact last year’s piano players and set up a schedule. Karen talked to the                                  Hancock Bell Ringers about performing again.  Their fee remains the same at $125.00.  Beth                                  made a motion to have them play again, with Yvonne. seconding.  The motion passed.

2.  Helping Hands – Joyce Schmidt reported that it has been very quiet lately.

3.  Community Supper – It is scheduled for April 23rd. Helen Limina will chair this activity. Since it is during school vacation, it was thought we could prepare less food this year.  It was questioned why we do not sponsor a dinner in Bennington or Antrim.  Antrim does not do Community Suppers, and we have done suppers in Bennington in the past.  It was suggested that we consider doing one in Bennington next year. 

4.  Event Committee Chairs – Michelle asked for volunteers to head up our events with the following responses:

               Christmas Potluck – Yvonne Murray and Elaine Giacomo

               Mystery Ride/Dinner – Connie Lebel and Rebecca Marcella

                              Discussion ensued concerning this event.  Everyone seemed to like the idea of going back to                                House of Hope though Connie     said that if we did that again, the menu would be much simpler.                                The biggest drawback to this venue is that attendance has to be limited.  It was decided to bring                                           this up at the November meeting because the House of Hope would have to know by the first of                                     the year.  It would be held the second Monday of March.

               First Communion – no chairman yet

               Confirmation – Karen Ayers and Yvonne Murray

               Commencement No one volunteered and it was thought to be early to plan anything.  This will be                                 discussed later in the year when the date gets closer.

5.  Secret Angels  - There was little response at the last meeting.  Should we continue?


The meeting was suspended at this point for refreshments which were provided by Edna Drasba, Rhea Taylor, and Sue Koziell and was resumed following the break. Michelle announced that $94.00 had been collected for the food pantry.

 New Business

 1.  Make and Take Crafts - This activity had its beginning in the evening craft group.  Connie Lebel, Joan Buck      and Grace Hartman have been working on this.  Connie explained the purpose and plans, passing out          flyers, and encouraging anyone interested to attend the first meeting on October 22nd.  It has been          expanded beyond the parish and will be held in the afternoons at the Peterborough Community Center.

2.  Michelle announced that Linda Caracappa is asking members of the Guild to save Shaw’s Cuisinart stamps and food labels for her. She collects and uses them for charity.

3.  Holiday Trees in Peterborough  - This event sponsored by the Peterborough Rec Department was brought up          by Lauren Martin.  She thought this would be a good opportunity to bring attention to our parish            especially if we chose a theme relating to “Christ in Christmas” and decorated our tree with religious            ornaments.  Sue Koziell volunteered to help Lauren, followed by Elaine Giacomo, Denise Long, Beth         McGurty, Ginny Chevlier, and Mary Ann Beard.

4.  Simone Legace suggested that we should give some money to the caregivers who bring handicapped clients         to Mass in recognition of their service.  However, it was pointed out that this was part of their jobs, and             they were not allowed to accept gifts.  Several suggestions including a special reception or recognition by Msgr. Gerry were made, but it was felt that the stairs present a problem and we should wait until we        are in the new church.

5.  Simone suggested having a Card and Game Night, but this idea had been put forth by Jean Frechette last year               and the response was discouraging.

6.  Denise suggested that we formally invite the Knights to our Christmas Potluck.  Karen so moved, seconded by       Beth, and the motion passed.


The meeting closed with a prayer by Elaine.

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