Thursday, October 15, 2015

Minutes 2015/10

Divine Mercy Women’s Guild October 5, 2015

Our annual Pot Luck dinner began with Mass. Msgr. Gerry blessed the Blessed Mother Statue given to the parish by the Women’s Guild. After Mass all in attendance gathered in the new parish hall for dinner.

President Sue Koziell welcomed the Guild members and then introduced new members:  Ann Veverka, Patty Long, Claudette Levesque, Olga Murphy Maureen Petro, Kathy Wasserloos, Barbara Goodwin and guest Rene Rabideau; We proceeded to enjoy a wonderful dinner.

Business Meeting
Sue called the meeting to order at 7:50pm; 48 members were in attendance.  Sue began the meeting by thanking all who participated in Divine Mercy Reception Opening on September 26th, especially to Denise Long who coordinated the event and a special Thank you to all the ladies who assisted Denise in making this such a memorable event for Divine Mercy.

Corresponding Secretary
Yvonne Murray read Thank you notes from Joyce Schmidt thanking the Women’s Guild for the Ethel Cavanaugh Award she was given at the May banquet, two notes from Deacon Dennis, for his birthday gift and the invitation for him and his wife to attend our May Banquet and from Donna Coty regarding the Hancock Community Dinner that was provided by the Guild and organized by Helen Limina.

Treasury Report
Beth McGurty distributed a proposed budge for 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016.  She is still awaiting last year’s budget numbers because there has been no official audit. Beth used many of the same money amounts as last year for the new budget items, on the premise that most numbers would stay the same (Christmas Fair costs: chowder, Bass Hall rental space, Bell Ringers) the $400 Anniversary Present for Msgr. Gerry. She assured everyone that by our November meeting she would have the audit results. She indicated that the Blessed Mother Statue was shipped expeditiously and free with the help of Diane Castonguay A motion to approve the proposed budget was made by Yvonne and to accept by Jean Frechette, the motion passed.

Generations Together
Lauren Martin explained Generations Together has become a special family tradition during the Advent season.  Families gather together and make an advent wreath and share dinner. This event is supported by the Guild.  For more information or if you want to help, contact Lauren or Linda Caracappa.

Helping Hands
Joyce Schmidt asked that the Guild consider making two Helping Hand groups.  Each group would have a team leader; having two groups will help balance the responsibility for receptions and functions.

Hostess Chairman Cathy Buffum distributed a sign up list for monthly refreshments

Anniversary Party October 25, 2015
Linda C addressed Msgr. Gerry’s 40 Year Anniversary Party, which she is co-chairing with Lauren Martin. She described the menu and explained that this was a parish event and that all Divine Mercy groups would be involved and participating.  An Italian buffet, Msgr. Gerry’s favorite, will be served There is a need for food items and help to prepare, serve and clean up.  Contact the ladies listed above if you can be of assistance in any capacity.

Secret Angels
Kathy Sullivan distributed Secret Angel forms. She explained again that she was hoping for a large participation among Guild members and that Angels will be revealed at the June banquet. Two new angels forgot to pull names from the Secret Angel basket so please remember to do so at the November meeting.

Kathy Wasserloos has landscaping concerns and explained to the Guild that she would like to take up some of the old plants from the old church and re-plant them in the back of the new church.  She has a to-do list and will need help.

Jane Meneghini announced that the Pastoral Council will have speakers pertaining to the Pope’s Encyclical Letter on climate change and the environment, an interfaith event.  For more information refer to the Parish Bulletin or contact Jane.

Continued Business
Sue addressed changes to the By Laws that were made to clarify some points, mostly to laws that didn’t apply any longer.  She will go over everything at the next meeting and a vote will be taken. Sue will email changes to everyone and have copies for those who don’t have email.

Sue thanked Denise and Cheryl for their work in organizing the Pot Luck Dinner; it was a huge success and greatly enjoyed by everyone.

The meeting closed at 8:25pm

Respectfully submitted by,

Gracie Hartman, Secretary

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