Saturday, January 16, 2016

Minutes 2016/1

Divine Mercy Women's Guild January 11, 2016

Before the meeting began and in preparation for Lent, Lauren presented the Guild Members with all the supplies we needed to create a Blessing Jar that we could fill with remembrances and special favors bestowed on us from God, a special jar we could fill not only during Lent but everyday.


Elaine began the meeting with a prayer concerning trust and confirming that there is no limit to the generosity we share.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Yvonne read several Thank You cards to the Guild; two from Msgr. Gerry, for his Anniversary Celebration and Christmas gifts that he said were most generous. He wanted the Guild to know that he purchased a new iPad. Deacon Dennis also sent a TY as did several Poinsettia recipients and the Peterborough Food Pantry who wanted us to know that our monetary donations helped purchase food for several families throughout the holiday season.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Beth presented a DMWG Trial Balance as of January 31,2016 which hasn't been finalized but reflects expenses and credits through the end of January 2016. An audit has been completed and a more precise balance will be available at the next meeting.


Sue extended a THANK YOU to Jean and everyone who helped with the Christmas Potluck and to all who worked on the Holiday Stroll and the Blood Drive and Linda Caracappa THANKS all who contributed Cuisinart Stamps which are being used to acquire items for the Parish kitchen.

Holiday Stroll: Beth distributed the 2015 Holiday Stroll Report, which included gross receipt amounts for both the Fair and Mini Fair with expense estimates and a breakdown amount total for each table (bake, cafe, crafts, raffle). This year's Stroll total was $7186. Beth indicated that she is still receiving expense receipts but we were given a comparison of income totals from 2006 through 2015 and this year's income is the highest by almost $2000. She will have a more accurate total number at the next meeting.

Blood Drive: Kathy said the drive was a big success; 60 pints of blood was collected which was greatly appreciated as was all the food and help by so many Guild members. She is hoping that the December Blood Drive can be held in the Divine Mercy Parish Hall; she will keep us updated.
New Aprons are available for $12; if interested contact Sue 525-4934


A BIG THANK YOU from Sue for supplying her with so many of your Old Christmas Cards

Craft Group: Helen Limina extended an open invitation to join the DMWG craft group, which usually meets twice a month in the Parish Hall on Mondays at 6:30. We work on craft projects for the Holiday Stroll all year; it's an informal group of ladies who enjoy being creative together. Helen also wanted ladies to know that all projects and ideas are welcomed and meeting attendance is not obligatory; if you have projects you work on at home and can't attend meetings, they also can be contributed to the Stroll.  The next craft meeting is January 25th at 6:30 in DM Hall.

Hancock Community Supper: Helen announced that a request was made by the Town of Hancock to permanently move the Supper date from April to February beginning this year.  Jean made a motion to change the date and it was seconded and passed. This year's Supper will be February 25th; contact Helen if you can help or need more info 924-5088

The Mystery Ride this year is in April. Janet and Claire will have more information at our March meeting.

Holiday Stroll Location: Sue asked Guild Members to discuss voting on the possibility of changing the location for this year's Holiday Stroll from Bass Hall to Divine Mercy Hall. It was suggested that a pro and con list be made with consideration to both locations; many members contributed their ideas, which involved cost, foot traffic, parking, community involvement, transporting of fair items, and space. After numerous heartfelt and positive exchanges among members, a ballot vote was taken (including three absentee votes) and the vote result: Divine Mercy Hall 18 Bass Hall 13.

Closing Prayer: Elaine's prayer asked for wisdom and guidance as we move forward with our new plans for Divine Mercy.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45. An assortment of treats were provided by Linda C, Lauren, and Cheryl L, the hot chocolate was delicious.

Our next meeting is March 14th; there is no February meeting.

Respectfully submitted by, 

Gracie Hartman, Secretary

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